Sugar Services Proserpine
Spray Window Restrictions
In the Proserpine region, spray window restrictions are in place for certain chemicals. The no spray window differs across chemicals, therefore growers and operators should always read the chemical label thoroughly for all other restrictions, such as buffer zones and slope limits.
2, 4-D Products
All 2,4-D products require a minimum nozzle spray droplet size of very coarse (VC).
- Amicide Advance 700 if spraying 1.1 L/ha to 1.6 L/ha where no trash blanket is present, no use allowed during Oct & Nov. Where trash blanket is present, no use allowed during October. If spraying over 1.6 L/ha, the no use period is extended, (i.e. use up to 2.3 L/ha, but no use between Sept to Dec.) If spraying under 1.1 L/ha, no time restrictions.
- Amine 625 If spraying 1.2 L/ha to 1.8 L/ha where no trash blanket, no use during Oct & Nov. Where trash is present no use during October. Spraying over 1.8 L/ha, the no use period is extended. If spraying under 1.2 L/ha, no time restrictions.
- Nufarm Dropzone (2,4-D 500g/lit) If spraying 1.56 L/ha to
2.1 L/ha where no trash blanket, no use during Oct & Nov. Where trash is present, no use during October. If spraying over 2.1 L/ha, the no use period is extended. Spraying under 1.56 L/ha, no time restrictions.
- Nufarm Estercide (2,4-D 680g/lit) If spraying 1.15 L/ha to 1.7 L/ha where no trash blanket, no use during Oct & Nov. Where trash is present, no use during October. Spraying over 1.7 L/ ha, the no use period is extended. Spraying under 1.15 L/ha, no time restrictions.
Some 2,4-D products, such as Zephyr 625, 4Farmers 625, Genfarm 625, AC Joker 625 and 2,4-D 475 Dual have a spray restriction for all rates during October and November.
Other Products
- Trooper 75-D (2,4-D & Picloram) If spraying over 0.7 L/ha to
1.5 L/ha where no trash blanket, no use during Oct & Nov. Where trash is present no use in October. If spraying 0.7 L/ha and under, no time restrictions.
- Pulverize/Tordon 75-D(2,4-D & Picloram) – No spraying use up to 3.2 lit/ha during Oct – November.
Amitron 700WG – No spraying use allowed between 1st Oct – 31st Dec.
- Bobcat Combi/Velpar/Dethrone – No spraying use allowed between 1st Nov – 31st May.
- Diuron 900/Diurex – Over 450g/ha diuron active, no spraying use allowed between 1st Dec – 30th April. Under 450g/ha active, use at any time. Mix with paraquat (Gramoxone).
- Nufarm Nuprid 350 (Imidacloprid) – Plant cane - apply between June – November; ratoon cane - apply between Sept – November.

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